NYC is the last place in New York State that is entering Phase 1 (at least at the time of writing this blog, NYC reopenings are still with no date). Perhaps you will struggle to search for Father's Day events in NYC, or places will be open to celebrate, that's why we wrote a list of the best indoor activities for Father's Day in NYC. At the end of the list, we ad an outdoor destination, hoping that it will be more by the time 21st June comes.
Order dad's favorite meal
Sure, you can cook some eggs and waffles for your old-man, but if you're doubtful about your culinary skills and you want something more unique, order your dad's favorite meal. Also, by doing this, you will support your local restaurant to survive the pandemic. For bagels and white fish, call Russ And Daughters, for some authentic and delicious Greek food text Estiatorio Milos and Souvlaki GR, or have tasty pastrami sandwich from Katz' Delicatessen. Check here other restaurants that offer delivery service.
Take a virtual tour
Due to the pandemic, many organizations, museums, and national parks are offering an elaborate virtual experience that exceeds expectations. If your dad is a nature lover, take him to take a dive at The Natural Marine Sanctuaries, or visit Google to view the brand new 360° National Parks tours all around the world. Also, the San Diego Zoo and the Smithsonian National Zoo are showcasing the live stream of their animals.
Game night!
If your dad likes a friendly session of board games and competition, you don't have to look further and organize a game night with snacks, drinks, and all the family (you can opt for online versions for those who are not living with you). Dust off your father's favorite games and plan some fun activities to make it more exciting.
Rewatch the best sport moments
Many sports fans are waiting for live sports tournaments and other games to start again. However, there's no shortage of recorded games, and if your dad is a sports enthusiast, scroll the NFL or NHL official sites and find footage of the classic games. Be sure to select only the games where your dad's favorite team is winning, or it would be a not-so-pleasant evening for him.
Organize a beer or wine tasting
Some dads have the heart of a taster. Maybe you still can't go for a drink outside, but the drinks can come to your home. Please search for your local brewery or winery operating, and ask for a tasting sample of their best products. Plan a night with some other activities like board games or movies, and complete this sipping experience.
Organize a virtual movie night
Talking about movies? Streaming platforms will not let you down in your lockdown. If your dad is living with very few people, organize a Netflix Party and invite all the family members. Watching a movie online with this extension is a fun and social experience that surely your dad will enjoy (unless he's more like I-watch-movies-alone guy).
Organize a biking or hiking trip
For the dads with an explorer's soul, a hiking or biking trip might be all that he needs (and considering that the lockdown has been two months long, this outdoor experience will be like tasting freedom). However, you might struggle to find the right spots for adventure in NYC, but if you drive up to Upstate NY, you can visit Ontario County Park. Please remember to consult the internet before traveling, so you make sure what will be open and closed.
Keep following the preventive measures and social distancing to allow NYC to recover faster from the pandemic. We hope all of you stay safe and healthy. Remember that eMaids of NYC are providing professional cleaning and disinfecting services. Book your service on our website.