
5 Essential Materials For Your Homeschool Setup

5 Essential Materials For Your Homeschool Setup
By: Emaids Dev

For some parents, fall might be time for homeschool again. The debate around schools reopening is still ongoing, so it’s better if you prepare just in case they don’t. We know that remote working, doing your housework, and also helping your kids with classes can be challenging. That’s why, in this blog, we give you some tips about how to homeschool. We’ll focus on your homeschool set up at home, in a list of essential devices, objects, and spaces you need to build the best classroom.

  • Chairs and writing surface

A chair and a flat surface for writing are the basic furniture you need to homeschool. Experts like Mickey Revenaugh, the co-founder of Connections Academy, recommend choosing an area of the home with enough space, lighting, and no distractions. Perhaps you select your dinner table, and you already have the seats, but be sure they are comfortable and with the right height for your kids.

  • Blackboard

Most children will get frustrated and unmotivated if they are looking at a book all the time. Many kids are visual learners and need instant visual enhancers to stay focused and learn their lessons. You can search for an affordable white or blackboard online. Surely this will be a good investment in your homeschool classes. Plus: discover the learning style of your children (to know if they are visual). Take the quiz here.

  • Wall space

Wall space is another visual element of your classroom, but also a management space. You can install a whiteboard to cross out homework, paste maps, write your achieved goals, and hang any type of diagram or colored guide for your kids to see. Once you start decorating your wall like this, you won’t stop, so be sure to have enough wall space.

  • Materials and school supplies

If you want to give your wall-papers and blackboard a good use, you better buy some markers, paper, tape, and other stuff that your kids might need to make their homework more exciting and appealing. Just remember to limit these objects because your home might get cluttered.

  • A screen

Multimedia materials like videos and documentaries are always welcomed while learning at home. Or anywhere! You don't need to buy a TV set, use a tablet or the old screen you already have in the living room. Find the best material for your kids to learn and play some minutes of video. This way, you will replace physical stuff like prints and use technology instead, not to mention that your classes will be more engaging.

Plus: Outdoor activities

Look at it this way: you won’t have to clean if your classes are outside. Education experts suggest that you add outdoor classes to your homeschooling, providing a welcoming escape from the classroom, and embracing nature and physical activity. Your class could be in your yard, doing diverse exercises like constructing a maze with sticks. Or you can explore the neighborhood or the nearest park. Connect the school topics with your itinerary, and you will be the greatest teacher (for your children, anyway). 

What do you think? Are you ready to become a better teacher and parent? We hope you succeed in it! Remember that eMaids can help you with your home cleaning chores. Book your service on our website.

Aug 11, 2020
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